Réveillé : 7h
Météo : pluie, froid
État physique : fatigué
Moral : au top
Couché : 23h30
Menu du jour: œufs, haricots, champignons, céréales All-brans, pommes, lait demi-écrémé, pollen, tomates, banane, mais, pain intégral, noix, cacao.
Résumé de la journée: C’est reparti pour une journée de torture pour mes jambes.
On commence par la traversée du Hyde Park.
Smile please.
You also.
Wellington Arch.
The famous Buckingham Palace, we arrived too late for the lunch…sorry Queen.
But in time to take some pictures without rain.
Just a moment! I’ll show you something.
Come on mates, Picirelo wants to say hello to everybody.
Sorry Sir, have you heard me?
Picirelo produces his show. Thank you fellows, see you…
Smile please.
You also.
Wellington Arch.
The famous Buckingham Palace, we arrived too late for the lunch…sorry Queen.
But in time to take some pictures without rain.
Just a moment! I’ll show you something.
Come on mates, Picirelo wants to say hello to everybody.
Sorry Sir, have you heard me?
Picirelo produces his show. Thank you fellows, see you…