Réveillé : 7h10
Départ : 14h
Distance parcourue : 30 km
Distance totale : 6278 km
Temps : 1h50
Météo : pluie, nuageux, froid.
État physique : au top
Moral : mauvais
Couché : 23h50
Menu du jour : œufs, haricots, champignons, céréales All-brans, pommes, lait demi-écrémé, tomate, ail, poivron, crispbread intégral, huile d’arachide.
Résumé de l’étape : The cruel moment of our separation is already here, how quick the time has passed!
Le parcours : London - Bexleyheath.
Yes my darling, for the moment Lublack will stay between us.
You are so beautiful when you smile … even if this one it’s full of sorrow.
I have to leave now the road waits for me.
Come on pigeons, who want to fallow me?
Nobody, go on Picirelo, even your shadow won’t be with you today (because in this country the sun doesn’t exist).
Take care of you Picirela and be strong, it won’t be easy at all, but we’ll win this battle … like we’ve already won the others since, we are together. Live and relationship it’s like this … a perpetual fight with the reality … and only the sturdier will survive.
It’s the same thing in the nature; good health and quick adaptation are among the keys of the success.
Remember what I taught you and try to do sport at least three times by week. Running a half an hour, for instance, in our countryside, every two days (in the morning) it’s the best thing you can do.
The sport will keep you in good shape and will push your body to secrete the endorphin; that hormone will help you to feel better.
Today’s the worst day for my good spirits. You know Minimi, I’m feeling like thirteen years ago when I came to see you, during your study in London. After one week with you, I went back to Geneva where the solitude was so unbearable … remembers are still alive in my mind …
But now I have to keep my brain involved in others things, otherwise it could be risky for the stability of my mental. God bless us.
Finally I found a B&B (1st.Bed tel.013037952 in Heathfield Road) later in the afternoon.
Yes my darling, for the moment Lublack will stay between us.
You are so beautiful when you smile … even if this one it’s full of sorrow.
I have to leave now the road waits for me.
Come on pigeons, who want to fallow me?
Nobody, go on Picirelo, even your shadow won’t be with you today (because in this country the sun doesn’t exist).
Take care of you Picirela and be strong, it won’t be easy at all, but we’ll win this battle … like we’ve already won the others since, we are together. Live and relationship it’s like this … a perpetual fight with the reality … and only the sturdier will survive.
It’s the same thing in the nature; good health and quick adaptation are among the keys of the success.
Remember what I taught you and try to do sport at least three times by week. Running a half an hour, for instance, in our countryside, every two days (in the morning) it’s the best thing you can do.
The sport will keep you in good shape and will push your body to secrete the endorphin; that hormone will help you to feel better.
Today’s the worst day for my good spirits. You know Minimi, I’m feeling like thirteen years ago when I came to see you, during your study in London. After one week with you, I went back to Geneva where the solitude was so unbearable … remembers are still alive in my mind …
But now I have to keep my brain involved in others things, otherwise it could be risky for the stability of my mental. God bless us.
Finally I found a B&B (1st.Bed tel.013037952 in Heathfield Road) later in the afternoon.